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Ricardo Jun2nd 2020

Ricardo G.

I was introduced to Libre Therapy Services when I injured my shoulder, my right arm had limited movement, I would not move my right hand freely and my shoulder was in pain. After PT for the first week the pain was less, for example, on a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 was the

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Jose Jun2nd 2020

Jose S.

Hace aproximadamente un aƱo tuve una lesiĆ³n relacionada con el trabajo y me operaron el hombro izquierdo (9 tornillos) y la parte baja de la espalda (8 tornillos y placa). DespuĆ©s de las cirugĆ­as, tuve mucho dolor y falta de movimiento. Antes de venir a Libre PT para terapia, apenas podĆ­a mover mi hombro y no podĆ­a ser independiente con las actividades diarias como salir de la cama y ducharme. DespuĆ©s de venir a Libre, puedo decir que he mejorado muchĆ­simo. Brenda ha ayudado a mi hombro, ahora puedo moverlo con mucho menos dolor y alcanzar objetos desde armarios altos. Mi espalda tambiĆ©n ha mejorado mucho. Lisa ha sido genial! Ahora soy independiente con mis actividades diarias, puedo dormir mejor y no necesito medicamentos para el dolor con tanta frecuencia para pasar el dĆ­a. El personal de Libre ha sido como una familia para mĆ­. Se preocupan y demuestran que aman lo que hacen. EstarĆ© por siempre agradecido.

Jose Jun2nd 2020

Jose S.

I had a work-related injury about a year ago and had surgery on left shoulder (9 screws) and low back (8 screws and plate). After having the surgeries, I had a lot of pain and lack of movement. Before coming to Libre PT for therapy I could hardly move my shoulder and couldnā€™t be independent with daily activities like getting out of bed and showering. After coming to Libre, I can say that I have improved immensely. Brenda has helped my shoulder, I can now move it with much less pain and reach objects from high cabinets. My back has also improved a lot. Lisa has been great! I am now independent with my daily activities, I can sleep better and donā€™t require pain meds as often to get through my day. The Libre staff has been like a family to me. They are caring and demonstrate that they love what they do. I will be forever grateful.